1 | import java.net.*;
2 | import java.io.*;
3 | import java.text.*;
4 | import java.util.*;
5 | //import java.util.concurrent.*;
6 | import java.awt.image.*;
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * This class initializes the server and then waits for a connection from the portal.
10 | */
11 |
12 | public class LostHavenServer {
13 | public HashMap<String, Player> registered;
14 | public HashMap<String, Client> online;
15 | public PriorityQueue<String> orderedReg;
16 | public PriorityQueue<String> orderedOnline;
17 | public HashMap<LandType, Land> landMap;
18 | public HashMap<StructureType, Structure> structMap;
19 | public Map map;
20 |
21 | public boolean running = false;
22 |
23 | private ServerSocket serverSocket;
24 | private ServerSocket portalSocket;
25 | public ProcessingThread process;
26 |
27 | public LostHavenServer() {
28 | Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook(this));
29 | online = new HashMap<String, Client>();
30 | registered = new HashMap<String, Player>();
31 | orderedReg = new PriorityQueue<String>(11, new PlayerComparator());
32 | orderedOnline = new PriorityQueue<String>(11, new PlayerComparator());
33 | loadRegistered();
34 | loadMap();
35 | map = new Map("mapInfo.txt", "structInfo.txt", landMap, structMap);
36 | updateLog("serverlog.txt", "Application opened on " + dateString());
37 |
38 | try {
39 | portalSocket = new ServerSocket(5829);
40 | while(true) {
41 | new PortalInterfaceThread(portalSocket.accept(), this).start();
42 | }
43 | }catch(SocketException se) {
44 | se.printStackTrace();
45 | }catch(IOException ioe) {
46 | ioe.printStackTrace();
47 | }
48 | }
49 |
50 | public void start() {
51 | try {
52 | if(!running) {
53 | running = true;
54 | process = new ProcessingThread(this);
55 | process.start();
56 | serverSocket = new ServerSocket(5729);
57 | new ClientListener(serverSocket, this).start();
58 | updateLog("serverlog.txt", "Server started on " + dateString());
59 | }
60 | }catch (IOException ioe) {
61 | ioe.printStackTrace();
62 | }
63 | }
64 |
65 | public void stop() {
66 | try {
67 | if(running) {
68 | running = false;
69 | saveRegistered();
70 | serverSocket.close();
71 | updateLog("serverlog.txt", "Server shut down on " + dateString());
72 | }
73 | }catch (IOException ioe) {
74 | ioe.printStackTrace();
75 | }
76 | }
77 |
78 | public void addRegList(String str, Player player) {
79 | registered.put(str, player);
80 | orderedReg.add(str);
81 | }
82 |
83 | public void addOnlineList(String str, Client client) {
84 | online.put(str, client);
85 | orderedOnline.add(str);
86 | }
87 |
88 | public void removeOnlineList(String str) {
89 | orderedOnline.remove(str);
90 | online.remove(str);
91 | }
92 |
93 | public void sendAll(MessageType type, String s)
94 | {
95 | Iterator<Client> iter = online.values().iterator();
96 | Client cur;
97 |
98 | while(iter.hasNext())
99 | {
100 | cur = iter.next();
101 | cur.getOut().println(type);
102 | cur.getOut().println(s);
103 | }
104 | }
105 |
106 | private void loadRegistered() {
107 | BufferedReader in = null;
108 | Player player;
109 | int id;
110 | String name, pass;
111 |
112 | registered.clear();
113 | online.clear();
114 | orderedReg.clear();
115 | orderedOnline.clear();
116 |
117 | try {
118 | in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("chars.txt"));
119 |
120 | while(in.ready()) {
121 | id = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
122 | name = in.readLine();
123 | pass = in.readLine();
124 | player = new Player(id, name, pass);
125 |
126 | player.setGender(Gender.valueOf(in.readLine()));
127 | player.setSpeed(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
128 | player.setSpeed(6);
129 | player.setAttackSpeed(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
130 | player.setJob(Job.valueOf(in.readLine()));
131 | player.setLevel(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
132 | player.setStrength(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
133 | player.setDexterity(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
134 | player.setConstitution(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
135 | player.setCharisma(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
136 | player.setWisdom(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
137 | player.setIntelligence(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
138 | player.setDamage(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
139 | player.setExperience(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
140 | player.setHitpoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
141 | player.setMaxHitpoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
142 | player.setManapoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
143 | player.setMaxManapoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
144 | player.setGold(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
145 |
146 | addRegList(name, player);
147 | }
148 |
149 | in.close();
150 | } catch(IOException ioe) {
151 | ioe.printStackTrace();
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | private void loadMap() {
156 | landMap = new HashMap<LandType, Land>();
157 | structMap = new HashMap<StructureType, Structure>();
158 | BufferedImage nullImg = null;
159 |
160 | landMap.put(LandType.Ocean, new Land(LandType.Ocean, nullImg, false));
161 | landMap.put(LandType.Grass, new Land(LandType.Grass, nullImg, true));
162 |
163 | structMap.put(StructureType.None, new Structure(StructureType.None, nullImg, false));
164 | structMap.put(StructureType.BlueOrb, new Structure(StructureType.BlueOrb, nullImg, false));
165 | structMap.put(StructureType.Cave, new Structure(StructureType.Cave, nullImg, false));
166 | structMap.put(StructureType.Gravestone, new Structure(StructureType.Gravestone, nullImg, false));
167 | structMap.put(StructureType.GraveyardFence1, new Structure(StructureType.GraveyardFence1, nullImg, false));
168 | structMap.put(StructureType.GraveyardFence2, new Structure(StructureType.GraveyardFence2, nullImg, false));
169 | structMap.put(StructureType.PicketFence1, new Structure(StructureType.PicketFence1, nullImg, false));
170 | structMap.put(StructureType.PicketFence2, new Structure(StructureType.PicketFence2, nullImg, false));
171 | structMap.put(StructureType.Hut, new Structure(StructureType.Hut, nullImg, false));
172 | structMap.put(StructureType.WitchHut, new Structure(StructureType.WitchHut, nullImg, false));
173 | structMap.put(StructureType.Tent, new Structure(StructureType.Tent, nullImg, false));
174 | structMap.put(StructureType.LargeTent, new Structure(StructureType.LargeTent, nullImg, false));
175 | structMap.put(StructureType.House, new Structure(StructureType.House, nullImg, false));
176 | structMap.put(StructureType.Tree, new Structure(StructureType.Tree, nullImg, false));
177 | structMap.put(StructureType.BlueOrb, new Structure(StructureType.BlueOrb, nullImg, false));
178 | structMap.put(StructureType.RedOrb, new Structure(StructureType.RedOrb, nullImg, false));
179 | structMap.put(StructureType.LoginPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.LoginPedestal, nullImg, true));
180 | structMap.put(StructureType.RejuvenationPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.RejuvenationPedestal, nullImg, true));
181 | structMap.put(StructureType.LifePedestal, new Structure(StructureType.LifePedestal, nullImg, true));
182 | structMap.put(StructureType.ManaPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.ManaPedestal, nullImg, true));
183 | }
184 |
185 | private void saveRegistered() {
186 | PrintWriter out = null;
187 | Iterator<String> iter = orderedReg.iterator();
188 | Player cur;
189 |
190 | try {
191 | out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("chars.txt"));
192 | } catch(IOException ioe) {
193 | ioe.printStackTrace();
194 | }
195 |
196 | while(iter.hasNext())
197 | {
198 | cur = registered.get(iter.next());
199 | out.println(cur.getId());
200 | out.println(cur.getName());
201 | out.println(cur.getPass());
202 | out.println(cur.getGender());
203 | out.println(cur.getSpeed());
204 | out.println(cur.getAttackSpeed());
205 | out.println(cur.getJob());
206 | out.println(cur.getLevel());
207 | out.println(cur.getStrength());
208 | out.println(cur.getDexterity());
209 | out.println(cur.getConstitution());
210 | out.println(cur.getCharisma());
211 | out.println(cur.getWisdom());
212 | out.println(cur.getIntelligence());
213 | out.println(cur.getDamage());
214 | out.println(cur.getExperience());
215 | out.println(cur.getHitpoints());
216 | out.println(cur.getMaxHitpoints());
217 | out.println(cur.getManapoints());
218 | out.println(cur.getMaxManapoints());
219 | out.println(cur.getGold());
220 | }
221 |
222 | out.close();
223 | }
224 |
225 | public void updateLog(String fileName, String message) {
226 | try {
227 | System.out.println(message);
228 | PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName, true));
229 | out.println(message);
230 | out.close();
231 | } catch(IOException ioe) {
232 | ioe.printStackTrace();
233 | }
234 | }
235 |
236 | public String dateString() {
237 | return new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());
238 | }
239 |
240 | public static void main(String[] args) {
241 | try {
242 | PrintStream st = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("err.txt",true));
243 | System.setErr(st);
244 | System.setOut(st);
245 |
246 | new LostHavenServer();
247 | }catch (Exception e) {
248 | e.printStackTrace();
249 | }
250 | System.exit(0);
251 | }
252 |
253 | private class PlayerComparator implements Comparator<String> {
254 | public int compare(String str1, String str2) {
255 | return registered.get(str1).getId() - registered.get(str2).getId();
256 | }
257 | }
258 |
259 | private class ShutdownHook extends Thread {
260 | LostHavenServer server;
261 |
262 | public ShutdownHook(LostHavenServer server) {
263 | this.server = server;
264 | }
265 |
266 | public void run() {
267 | server.stop();
268 | updateLog("serverlog.txt", "Application closed on " + dateString());
269 | }
270 | }
271 | }