source: lost-haven/main/ 3d64884

Last change on this file since 3d64884 was 8edd04e, checked in by Dmitry Portnoy <dmitry.portnoy@…>, 5 years ago

Make the decompiled game code compile successfully

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[8edd04e]1package main;
3import java.awt.Font;
4import java.awt.Graphics;
5import java.awt.MouseInfo;
7import java.util.*;
9import gamegui.*;
11public class Player extends Creature {
13 private int gold;
14 private int attributePoints;
15 private int[] skills;
16 private int skillPoints;
17 private LinkedList<Item> inventory;
18 private LinkedList<Item> gemsUsed;
19 private HashMap<Gem, Integer> gems;
20 private int relicCount;
21 private int gemValue;
22 private long timePlayed;
23 private long timeLoggedOn;
25 public Player() {
26 = "Player";
27 this.type = CreatureType.Player;
28 this.skills = new int[9];
29 this.inventory = new LinkedList<Item>();
30 this.gemsUsed = new LinkedList<Item>();
31 this.gems = new HashMap<Gem, Integer>();
32 this.relicCount = 0;
33 this.gemValue = 0;
34 this.timePlayed = 0L;
35 this.timeLoggedOn = 0L;
36 }
38 public Player(Player p) {
39 super(p);
40 this.skills = (int[])p.skills.clone();
41 this.attributePoints = p.attributePoints;
42 this.skillPoints = p.skillPoints;
43 this.inventory = new LinkedList<Item>(p.inventory);
44 this.gemsUsed = new LinkedList<Item>(p.gemsUsed);
45 this.gems = new HashMap<Gem, Integer>(p.gems);
46 this.relicCount = p.relicCount;
47 this.gemValue = p.gemValue;
48 this.timePlayed = p.timePlayed;
49 this.timeLoggedOn = p.timeLoggedOn;
50 }
52 public Player copy() {
53 return new Player(this);
54 }
56 public boolean readyForBoss() {
57 return (this.relicCount >= 4);
58 }
60 public void setTimeLoggedOn(long time) {
61 this.timeLoggedOn = time;
62 }
64 public long getTimePlayed() {
65 return this.timePlayed;
66 }
68 public void updateTimePlayed() {
69 this.timePlayed += System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeLoggedOn;
70 }
72 public void drawInventory(Graphics g, ScrollList inv, int x, int y) {
73 int mouseX = (MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation()).x;
74 int mouseY = (MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation()).y;
75 int locX = (mouseX - x) / 50;
76 int locY = (mouseY - y + inv.getTextStart()) / 50;
77 if (locX + 4 * locY >= 0 && locX + 4 * locY < inv.getList().size()) {
78 Window popup;
79 String itemType;
80 MultiTextbox desc;
81 Item i = ((ItemImg)inv.getList().get(locX + locY * 4)).getItem();
82 switch (i.getType()) {
83 case Relic:
84 popup = new Window("popup", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 150, 100, 165, false);
85 break;
86 default:
87 popup = new Window("popup", mouseX - 100, mouseY - 100, 100, 100, false);
88 break;
89 }
90 Font font12 = new Font("Arial", 0, 12);
91 switch (i.getType()) {
92 case LightWeapon:
93 itemType = "Light Weapon";
94 break;
95 case HeavyWeapon:
96 itemType = "Heavy Weapon";
97 break;
98 case RangedWeapon:
99 itemType = "Ranged Weapon";
100 break;
101 default:
102 itemType = i.getType().toString();
103 break;
104 }
105 popup.add(new Label("name", 5, 5, 90, 15, i.getName(), font12));
106 popup.add(new Label("type", 5, 35, 90, 15, itemType, font12));
107 switch (i.getType()) {
108 case LightWeapon:
109 case HeavyWeapon:
110 case RangedWeapon:
111 popup.add(new Label("damage", 5, 50, 90, 15, "Damage: " + ((Weapon)i).getDamage(), font12));
112 popup.add(new Label("damage", 5, 65, 90, 15, "Cooldown: " + (((Weapon)i).getAttackSpeed() / 10.0D) + " s", font12));
113 break;
114 case Spell:
115 popup.add(new Label("energy", 5, 50, 90, 15, "Energy: " + ((Gem)i).getValue(), font12));
116 desc = new MultiTextbox("description", 1, 80, 99, 84, "", false, font12, g.getFontMetrics(font12));
117 desc.setText(i.getDescription());
118 desc.setBorder(false);
119 popup.add(desc);
120 break;
121 }
122 popup.draw(g);
123 }
124 }
126 public void save(PrintWriter out) {
128 out.println(;
129 out.println(this.level);
130 out.println(this.timePlayed);
131 out.println(this.experience);
132 out.println(String.valueOf(getTarget().getX()) + "," + getTarget().getY());
133 out.println(getAttribute(Attribute.Strength));
134 out.println(getAttribute(Attribute.Dexterity));
135 out.println(getAttribute(Attribute.Constitution));
136 out.println(getAttribute(Attribute.Wisdom));
137 out.println(getSkill(Skill.LightWeapons));
138 out.println(getSkill(Skill.HeavyWeapons));
139 out.println(getSkill(Skill.RangedWeapons));
140 out.println(getSkill(Skill.Evocation));
141 out.println(getSkill(Skill.Enchantment));
142 out.println(this.attributePoints);
143 out.println(this.skillPoints);
144 out.println(getMaxHitpoints());
145 out.println(getMaxManapoints());
146 Object[] arr = LostHavenRPG.respawnPoints.toArray();
147 for (int x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
148 if (((RespawnPoint)arr[x]).isMarked())
149 out.println(x);
150 }
151 out.println("---");
152 Iterator<Item> iter = this.inventory.iterator();
153 while (iter.hasNext())
154 out.println(((Item);
155 out.println("---");
156 iter = this.gemsUsed.iterator();
157 while (iter.hasNext())
158 out.println(((Item);
159 out.println("---");
160 }
162 public static Player loadTemplate(BufferedReader in) {
163 Player p = new Player();
164 try {
165 p.level = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
166 p.setSkill(Skill.LightWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
167 p.setSkill(Skill.HeavyWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
168 p.setSkill(Skill.RangedWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
169 p.setSkill(Skill.Evocation, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
170 p.setSkill(Skill.Enchantment, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
171 p.attributePoints = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
172 p.skillPoints = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
173 } catch (IOException ioe) {
174 ioe.printStackTrace();
175 }
176 return p;
177 }
179 public void load(BufferedReader in) {
180 try {
181 super.load(in);
182 int hp = getHitpoints();
183 int mp = getManapoints();
184 setName(in.readLine());
185 this.level = Integer.valueOf(in.readLine()).intValue();
186 this.timePlayed = Long.valueOf(in.readLine()).longValue();
187 setExperience(Integer.valueOf(in.readLine()).intValue());
188 String strTarget = in.readLine();
189 getTarget().setX(Integer.valueOf(strTarget.substring(0, strTarget.indexOf(","))).intValue());
190 getTarget().setY(Integer.valueOf(strTarget.substring(strTarget.indexOf(",") + 1)).intValue());
191 setAttribute(Attribute.Strength, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
192 setAttribute(Attribute.Dexterity, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
193 setAttribute(Attribute.Constitution, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
194 setAttribute(Attribute.Wisdom, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
195 setSkill(Skill.LightWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
196 setSkill(Skill.HeavyWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
197 setSkill(Skill.RangedWeapons, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
198 setSkill(Skill.Evocation, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
199 setSkill(Skill.Enchantment, Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
200 this.attributePoints = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
201 this.skillPoints = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
202 setMaxHitpoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
203 setMaxManapoints(Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()));
204 setHitpoints(hp);
205 setManapoints(mp);
206 setWeapon(this.weapon.baseWeapon);
207 String strItem;
208 while (!(strItem = in.readLine()).equals("---"))
209 ((RespawnPoint)LostHavenRPG.respawnPoints.get(Integer.parseInt(strItem))).mark();
210 this.weapon.update();
211 while (!(strItem = in.readLine()).equals("---"))
212 pickUp(LostHavenRPG.items.get(strItem));
213 while (!(strItem = in.readLine()).equals("---")) {
214 pickUp(LostHavenRPG.items.get(strItem));
215 activateGem((Gem)LostHavenRPG.items.get(strItem));
216 }
217 } catch (IOException ioe) {
218 ioe.printStackTrace();
219 }
220 }
222 public void pickUp(Item item) {
223 this.inventory.add(item);
224 LostHavenRPG.lstInventory.getList().add(new ItemImg(item));
225 if (item.isRelic()) {
226 this.relicCount++;
227 }
228 }
230 public boolean activateGem(Gem item) {
231 if (this.gemValue + item.getValue() > getSkill(Skill.Evocation))
232 return false;
233 this.gemsUsed.add(item);
234 LostHavenRPG.lstGems.getList().add(new ItemImg(item));
235 this.inventory.remove(item);
236 LostHavenRPG.lstInventory.getList().remove(new ItemImg(item));
237 this.gemValue += item.getValue();
238 addGem((Gem)LostHavenRPG.items.get(item.getName()));
239 if (getSpell() == null) {
240 setSpell(new Weapon("spell", ItemType.Spell, "Dagger.png", new java.awt.image.BufferedImage[8], 10, 250, 0));
241 }
242 getSpell().update();
243 return true;
244 }
246 public void deactivateGem(Gem item) {
247 this.inventory.add(item);
248 LostHavenRPG.lstInventory.getList().add(new ItemImg(item));
249 this.gemsUsed.remove(item);
250 LostHavenRPG.lstGems.getList().remove(new ItemImg(item));
251 this.gemValue -= item.getValue();
252 removeGem((Gem)LostHavenRPG.items.get(item.getName()));
253 if (this.gemsUsed.size() == 0) {
254 this.spell = null;
255 } else {
256 getSpell().update();
257 }
258 }
260 public LinkedList<Item> getInventory() {
261 return this.inventory;
262 }
264 public LinkedList<Item> getGems() {
265 return this.gemsUsed;
266 }
268 public void initGems(LinkedList<Gem> lstGems) {
269 Iterator<Gem> iter = lstGems.iterator();
270 while (iter.hasNext())
271 this.gems.put(, Integer.valueOf(0));
272 }
274 public void addGem(Gem gem) {
275 this.gems.put(gem, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)this.gems.get(gem)).intValue() + 1));
276 }
278 public void removeGem(Gem gem) {
279 this.gems.put(gem, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)this.gems.get(gem)).intValue() - 1));
280 }
282 public int getGemNum(String name) {
283 Iterator<Gem> iter = this.gems.keySet().iterator();
284 while (iter.hasNext()) {
285 Gem cur =;
286 if (cur.getName().equals(name)) {
287 return ((Integer)this.gems.get(cur)).intValue();
288 }
289 }
290 return 0;
291 }
293 public void increaseLevel() {
294 this.skillPoints += 2;
295 setHitpoints(getHitpoints() + getAttribute(Attribute.Constitution));
296 setMaxHitpoints(getMaxHitpoints() + getAttribute(Attribute.Constitution));
297 setManapoints(getManapoints() + getAttribute(Attribute.Wisdom));
298 setMaxManapoints(getMaxManapoints() + getAttribute(Attribute.Wisdom));
299 setLevel(getLevel() + 1);
300 }
302 public void allocateAttribute(Attribute point) {
303 if (this.attributePoints > 0) {
304 setAttribute(point, getAttribute(point) + 1);
305 this.attributePoints--;
306 }
307 }
309 public void repickAttribute(Attribute point) {
310 if (getAttribute(point) > 6) {
311 setAttribute(point, getAttribute(point) - 1);
312 this.attributePoints++;
313 }
314 }
316 public void allocateSkill(Skill point) {
317 if (this.skillPoints > 0) {
318 setSkill(point, getSkill(point) + 1);
319 this.skillPoints--;
320 this.weapon.update();
321 }
322 }
324 public void repickSkill(Skill point) {
325 if (getSkill(point) > 0) {
326 setSkill(point, getSkill(point) - 1);
327 this.skillPoints++;
328 this.weapon.update();
329 }
330 }
332 private int skillIndex(Skill skill) {
333 switch (skill) {
334 case LightWeapons:
335 return 0;
336 case HeavyWeapons:
337 return 1;
338 case RangedWeapons:
339 return 2;
340 case Evocation:
341 return 3;
342 case Enchantment:
343 return 4;
344 }
345 return -1;
346 }
348 public int getSkill(Skill skill) {
349 return this.skills[skillIndex(skill)];
350 }
352 public void setSkill(Skill skill, int num) {
353 this.skills[skillIndex(skill)] = num;
354 }
356 public int getGold() {
357 return;
358 }
360 public int getAttributePoints() {
361 return this.attributePoints;
362 }
364 public int getSkillPoints() {
365 return this.skillPoints;
366 }
368 public int getGemValue() {
369 return this.gemValue;
370 }
372 public int getRelicCount() {
373 return this.relicCount;
374 }
376 public void setWeapon(Weapon weapon) {
377 this.weapon = new EquippedWeapon(this, weapon);
378 switch (weapon.getType()) {
379 case LightWeapon:
380 case HeavyWeapon:
381 setModel(LostHavenRPG.meleeModel);
382 break;
383 case RangedWeapon:
384 setModel(LostHavenRPG.rangedModel);
385 break;
386 }
387 this.weapon.update();
388 (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.North, Action.Attacking)).drawInterval = (this.weapon.getAttackSpeed() * 100 / (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.North, Action.Attacking)).frames.size());
389 (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Attacking)).drawInterval = (this.weapon.getAttackSpeed() * 100 / (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Attacking)).frames.size());
390 (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.East, Action.Attacking)).drawInterval = (this.weapon.getAttackSpeed() * 100 / (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.East, Action.Attacking)).frames.size());
391 (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.West, Action.Attacking)).drawInterval = (this.weapon.getAttackSpeed() * 100 / (this.model.getAnimation(Direction.West, Action.Attacking)).frames.size());
392 }
394 public void setGold(int gold) {
395 = gold;
396 }
398 public void setAttributePoints(int attributePoints) {
399 this.attributePoints = attributePoints;
400 }
402 public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute, int num) {
403 this.attributes[attributeIndex(attribute)] = num;
404 updateStats();
405 }
407 private void updateStats() {
408 this.hitpoints = 4 * this.attributes[2];
409 this.maxHitpoints = 4 * this.attributes[2];
410 this.manapoints = 2 * this.attributes[3];
411 this.maxManapoints = 2 * this.attributes[3];
412 }
414 public class ItemImg implements Listable {
415 public Item i;
416 public int xCoord;
417 public int yCoord;
419 public ItemImg(Item i) {
420 this.i = i;
421 }
423 public void draw(int x, int y, Graphics g) {
424 this.xCoord = x;
425 this.yCoord = y;
426 this.i.drawStatic(g, x, y);
427 }
429 public Item getItem() {
430 return this.i;
431 }
433 public int getHeight() {
434 return this.i.getImg().getHeight();
435 }
437 public int getWidth() {
438 return this.i.getImg().getWidth();
439 }
441 public int getXOffset() {
442 return 0;
443 }
445 public int getYOffset() {
446 return 0;
447 }
449 public boolean equals(Object o) {
450 return (((ItemImg)o).i == this.i);
451 }
452 }
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