1 | #include "Player.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | #include <sstream>
5 | #include <cstring>
6 | #include <cmath>
7 |
8 | using namespace std;
9 |
10 | Player::Player()
11 | {
12 | this->id = 0;
13 | this->name = "";
14 | this->password = "";
15 | this->pos.x = this->target.x = 0;
16 | this->pos.y = this->target.y = 0;
17 | this->timeLastUpdated = 0;
18 | this->timeAttackStarted = 0;
19 | this->isChasing = false;
20 | this->isAttacking = false;
21 |
22 | this->playerClass = CLASS_NONE;
23 | this->maxHealth = 0;
24 | this->health = 0;
25 | this->attackType = ATTACK_NONE;
26 | this->damage = 0;
27 | this->range = 0;
28 | this->attackCooldown = 0;
29 | this->team = 0; // blue team by default
30 | this->hasBlueFlag = false;
31 | this->hasRedFlag = false;
32 | }
33 |
34 | Player::Player(const Player& p)
35 | {
36 | this->id = p.id;
37 | this->name = p.name;
38 | this->password = p.password;
39 | this->addr = p.addr;
40 | this->pos.x = p.pos.x;
41 | this->pos.y = p.pos.y;
42 | this->target.x = p.target.x;
43 | this->target.y = p.target.y;
44 | this->timeLastUpdated = p.timeLastUpdated;
45 | this->timeAttackStarted = p.timeAttackStarted;
46 | this->isChasing = p.isChasing;
47 | this->isAttacking = p.isAttacking;
48 |
49 | this->playerClass = p.playerClass;
50 | this->maxHealth = p.maxHealth;
51 | this->health = p.health;
52 | this->attackType = p.attackType;
53 | this->damage = p.damage;
54 | this->range = p.range;
55 | this->attackCooldown = p.attackCooldown;
56 | this->team = p.team;
57 | this->hasBlueFlag = p.hasBlueFlag;
58 | this->hasRedFlag = p.hasRedFlag;
59 | }
60 |
61 | // eventually make this take a PlayerClass argument as well
62 | Player::Player(string name, string password)
63 | {
64 | this->id = 0;
65 | this->name = name;
66 | this->password = password;
67 | this->pos.x = this->target.x = 200;
68 | this->pos.y = this->target.y = 200;
69 | this->timeLastUpdated = 0;
70 | this->timeAttackStarted = 0;
71 | this->isChasing = false;
72 | this->isAttacking = false;
73 |
74 | this->playerClass = CLASS_NONE;
75 | this->maxHealth = 0;
76 | this->health = 0;
77 | this->attackType = ATTACK_NONE;
78 | this->damage = 0;
79 | this->range = 0;
80 | this->attackCooldown = 0;
81 | this->team = 0; // blue team by default
82 | this->hasBlueFlag = false;
83 | this->hasRedFlag = false;
84 | }
85 |
86 | Player::~Player()
87 | {
88 | }
89 |
90 | void Player::setId(int id)
91 | {
92 | this->id = id;
93 | }
94 |
95 | void Player::setAddr(sockaddr_in addr)
96 | {
97 | this->addr = addr;
98 | }
99 |
100 | void Player::setClass(PlayerClass c)
101 | {
102 | switch (c) {
103 | case CLASS_WARRIOR:
104 | this->playerClass = CLASS_WARRIOR;
105 | this->maxHealth = this->health = 120;
106 | this->attackType = ATTACK_MELEE;
107 | this->damage = 10;
108 | this->range = 30;
109 | this->attackCooldown = 800;
110 | break;
111 | case CLASS_RANGER:
112 | this->playerClass = CLASS_RANGER;
113 | this->maxHealth = this->health = 60;
114 | this->attackType = ATTACK_RANGED;
115 | this->damage = 6;
116 | this->range = 100;
117 | this->attackCooldown = 1000;
118 | break;
119 | case CLASS_NONE:
120 | cout << "No clas" << endl;
121 | break;
122 | dafault:
123 | cout << "nvalid class" << endl;
124 | break;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | void Player::serialize(char* buffer)
129 | {
130 | memcpy(buffer, &this->id, 4);
131 | memcpy(buffer+4, &this->pos.x, 4);
132 | memcpy(buffer+8, &this->pos.y, 4);
133 | memcpy(buffer+12, &this->target.x, 4);
134 | memcpy(buffer+16, &this->target.y, 4);
135 |
136 | memcpy(buffer+20, &this->playerClass, 4);
137 | memcpy(buffer+24, &this->maxHealth, 4);
138 | memcpy(buffer+28, &this->health, 4);
139 | memcpy(buffer+32, &this->attackType, 4);
140 | memcpy(buffer+36, &this->damage, 4);
141 | memcpy(buffer+40, &this->team, 4);
142 | memcpy(buffer+44, &this->hasBlueFlag, 1);
143 | memcpy(buffer+45, &this->hasRedFlag, 1);
144 | memcpy(buffer+46, &this->range, 4);
145 |
146 | strcpy(buffer+50, this->name.c_str());
147 | }
148 |
149 | void Player::deserialize(char* buffer)
150 | {
151 | memcpy(&this->id, buffer, 4);
152 | memcpy(&this->pos.x, buffer+4, 4);
153 | memcpy(&this->pos.y, buffer+8, 4);
154 | memcpy(&this->target.x, buffer+12, 4);
155 | memcpy(&this->target.y, buffer+16, 4);
156 |
157 | memcpy(&this->playerClass, buffer+20, 4);
158 | memcpy(&this->maxHealth, buffer+24, 4);
159 | memcpy(&this->health, buffer+28, 4);
160 | memcpy(&this->attackType, buffer+32, 4);
161 | memcpy(&this->damage, buffer+36, 4);
162 | memcpy(&this->team, buffer+40, 4);
163 | memcpy(&this->hasBlueFlag, buffer+44, 1);
164 | memcpy(&this->hasRedFlag, buffer+45, 1);
165 | memcpy(&this->range, buffer+46, 4);
166 |
167 | this->name.assign(buffer+50);
168 | }
169 |
170 | bool Player::move(WorldMap *map) {
171 | int speed = 100; // pixels per second. should probably be in the constructor
172 | unsigned long long curTime = getCurrentMillis();
173 |
174 | // if we're at our target, don't move
175 | bool moving = (pos.x != target.x || pos.y != target.y);
176 |
177 | if (moving) {
178 | float pixels = speed * (curTime-timeLastUpdated) / 1000.0;
179 | double angle = atan2(target.y-pos.y, target.x-pos.x);
180 | float dist = sqrt(pow(target.x-pos.x, 2) + pow(target.y-pos.y, 2));
181 |
182 | if (dist <= pixels) {
183 | pos.x = target.x;
184 | pos.y = target.y;
185 | }else {
186 | pos.x = pos.x + cos(angle)*pixels;
187 | pos.y = pos.y + sin(angle)*pixels;
188 | }
189 | }
190 |
191 | timeLastUpdated = curTime;
192 |
193 | return moving;
194 | }
195 |
196 | bool Player::updateTarget(map<unsigned int, Player>& mapPlayers) {
197 | if (this->isChasing) {
198 | this->target.x = mapPlayers[this->targetPlayer].pos.x;
199 | this->target.y = mapPlayers[this->targetPlayer].pos.y;
200 |
201 | cout << "Setting target" << endl;
202 | cout << "target id: " << mapPlayers[this->targetPlayer].id << endl;
203 | cout << "cur player id: " << this->id << endl;
204 | cout << "this->pos.x: " << this->pos.x << endl;
205 | cout << "this->pos.x: " << this->pos.x << endl;
206 | cout << "this->target.y: " << this->target.y << endl;
207 | cout << "this->target.y: " << this->target.y << endl;
208 | cout << "this->target.toFloat().x: " << this->target.toFloat().y << endl;
209 | cout << "this->target.toFloat().y: " << this->target.toFloat().y << endl;
210 | cout << "posDistance: " << posDistance(this->pos, this->target.toFloat()) << endl;
211 |
212 | if (posDistance(this->pos, this->target.toFloat()) <= this->range) {
213 | cout << "Stopped chasing" << endl;
214 |
215 | this->target.x = this->pos.x;
216 | this->target.y = this->pos.y;
217 |
218 | this->isChasing = false;
219 | this->isAttacking = true;
220 | this->timeAttackStarted = getCurrentMillis();
221 |
222 | return true;
223 | }
224 | }
225 |
226 | return false;
227 | }