#include "Projectile.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; Projectile::Projectile() { this->id = 0; this->pos.x = 0; this->pos.y = 0; this->target = 0; this->speed = 0; this->damage = 0; this->timeLastUpdated = 0; } Projectile::Projectile(const Projectile& p) { this->id = p.id; this->pos.x = p.pos.x; this->pos.y = p.pos.y; this->target = p.target; this->speed = p.speed; this->damage = p.damage; this->timeLastUpdated = p.timeLastUpdated; } Projectile::Projectile(int x, int y, int targetId, int damage) { this->id = 0; // the server probably sets this by calling setId passing in the length of the current projectile list this->pos.x = x; this->pos.y = y; this->target = targetId; this->speed = 400; this->damage = damage; this->timeLastUpdated = 0; } Projectile::~Projectile() { } void Projectile::setId(int id) { this->id = id; } void Projectile::serialize(char* buffer) { memcpy(buffer, &this->id, 4); memcpy(buffer+4, &this->pos.x, 4); memcpy(buffer+8, &this->pos.y, 4); memcpy(buffer+12, &this->target, 4); memcpy(buffer+16, &this->speed, 4); memcpy(buffer+20, &this->damage, 4); } void Projectile::deserialize(char* buffer) { memcpy(&this->id, buffer, 4); memcpy(&this->pos.x, buffer+4, 4); memcpy(&this->pos.y, buffer+8, 4); memcpy(&this->target, buffer+12, 4); memcpy(&this->speed, buffer+16, 4); memcpy(buffer+16, &this->speed, 4); memcpy(buffer+20, &this->damage, 4); } bool Projectile::move(map& mapPlayers) { // if the current target logs off, this method will run into problems cout << "Inside projectile move" << endl; unsigned long long curTime = getCurrentMillis(); cout << "Got current time" << endl; Player targetP = mapPlayers[target]; cout << "Got target" << endl; if (timeLastUpdated == 0) { timeLastUpdated = curTime; return false; } float pixels = speed * (curTime-timeLastUpdated) / 1000.0; double angle = atan2(targetP.pos.y-pos.y, targetP.pos.x-pos.x); float dist = sqrt(pow(targetP.pos.x-pos.x, 2) + pow(targetP.pos.y-pos.y, 2)); cout << "About to finish projectile move" << endl; if (dist <= pixels) { pos.x = targetP.pos.x; pos.y = targetP.pos.y; return true; }else { pos.x = pos.x + cos(angle)*pixels; pos.y = pos.y + sin(angle)*pixels; return false; } }