#include "DataAccess.h" #include #include #include #include #include "LuaLoader.h" using namespace std; DataAccess::DataAccess() { LuaLoader luaLoader; string database, username, password; if (luaLoader.runScript("db_settings.lua")) { cout << "Loading settings" << endl; database = luaLoader.getValue("database"); username = luaLoader.getValue("username"); password = luaLoader.getValue("password"); cout << database << endl; cout << username << endl; cout << password << endl; } else { cout << "Failed to load settings from lua script" << endl; } mysql_init(&mysql); connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "pythonAdmin", "pyMaster09*", "pythondb", 0, 0, 0); if (connection == NULL) { cout << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl; }else cout << "Connection successful" << endl; } DataAccess::~DataAccess() { mysql_close(connection); mysql_close(&mysql); } int DataAccess::insertPlayer(string username, string password, Player::PlayerClass playerClass) { ostringstream oss; string salt = "$1$"; int random; char chr; for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { random = rand() % 62; if (random < 26) chr = (char)('a'+random); else if (random < 52) chr = (char)('A'+random-26); else chr = (char)('0'+random-52); salt += chr; } salt += '$'; string encrypted(crypt(password.c_str(), salt.c_str())); oss << "'" << username << "', '" << encrypted << "', " << playerClass; return insert("users", "name, password, class", oss.str()); } // this is no longer used anywhere int DataAccess::updatePlayer(string username, string password) { ostringstream values, where; values << "password='" << password << "'"; where << "name='" << username << "'"; return update("users", values.str(), where.str()); } Player *DataAccess::getPlayer(string username) { MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; Player *p; ostringstream oss; oss << "name='" << username << "'"; result = select("users", oss.str().c_str()); cout << "Got result" << endl; if (result == NULL) { cout << "Error occured" << endl; cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return NULL; } if ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) { cout << "Creating a new player" << endl; p = new Player(string(row[1]), string(row[2])); p->setId(atoi(row[0])); if (row[3] == NULL) { p->setClass(Player::CLASS_NONE); cout << "Class from db was NULL" << endl; }else { p->setClass((Player::PlayerClass)atoi(row[3])); cout << "Class from db: " << atoi(row[3]) << endl; } cout << "Player class: " << p->playerClass << endl; if (row[7] == NULL) cout << "wins: NULL" << endl; else cout << "wins: " << atoi(row[7]) << endl; if (row[8] == NULL) cout << "losses: NULL" << endl; else cout << "losses: " << atoi(row[8]) << endl; cout << "Loaded player from db" << endl; }else { cout << "Returned no results for some reason" << endl; p = NULL; } mysql_free_result(result); return p; } // need to make sure this list is freed // since we need to create a DataAccess class // when calling these functions, // we could free this list in the destructor list* DataAccess::getPlayers() { MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; result = select("users", ""); if (result == NULL) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return NULL; } list* lstPlayers = new list(); while ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) { cout << row[0] << ", " << row[1] << ", " << row[2] << endl; lstPlayers->push_back(new Player(row[1], row[2])); } mysql_free_result(result); return lstPlayers; } bool DataAccess::verifyPassword(string password, string encrypted) { string test(crypt(password.c_str(), encrypted.c_str())); return encrypted.compare(test) == 0; } int* DataAccess::getPlayerRecord(int playerId) { MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; ostringstream oss; int* record = new int[5]; oss << "id=" << playerId; result = select("users", oss.str()); if ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) { cout << "Retrieved player record successfully" << endl; record[0] = atoi(row[4]); // level record[1] = atoi(row[5]); // experience record[2] = atoi(row[6]); // honor record[3] = atoi(row[7]); // wins record[4] = atoi(row[8]); // losses cout << "record[0]:" << record[0] << endl; cout << "record[1]:" << record[1] << endl; cout << "record[2]:" << record[2] << endl; cout << "record[3]:" << record[3] << endl; cout << "record[4]:" << record[4] << endl; } if (result == NULL) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return NULL; } mysql_free_result(result); return record; } int** DataAccess::getPlayerGameHistory(int playerId, unsigned int& numGames) { // each array is the score for one game // the columns are result, team, blue score, and red score // for result 0 is defeat and 1 is victory // for team, 0 is blue and 1 is red MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; ostringstream oss; int** gameHistory; oss << "user_id=" << playerId; result = select("gameHistory", oss.str()); numGames = mysql_num_rows(result); gameHistory = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*)*numGames); cout << "Result has " << numGames << " rows" << endl; int i=0; while ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) { gameHistory[i] = new int[4]; int userTeam = atoi(row[2]); int blueScore = atoi(row[4]); int redScore = atoi(row[3]); int gameResult = -1; if (blueScore == 3) { if (userTeam == 0) gameResult = 1; else gameResult = 0; }else if (redScore == 3) { if (userTeam == 1) gameResult = 1; else gameResult = 0; }else { cout << "Recorded game has no team with 3 points" << endl; } gameHistory[i][0] = gameResult; gameHistory[i][1] = userTeam; gameHistory[i][2] = blueScore; gameHistory[i][3] = redScore; i++; } if (result == NULL) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return NULL; } mysql_free_result(result); return gameHistory; } int DataAccess::saveGameHistory(int playerId, int team, int blueScore, int redScore) { ostringstream oss; cout << "Saving game to db" << endl; oss << playerId << ", " << team << ", " << blueScore << ", " << redScore; return insert("gameHistory", "user_id, user_team, blue_score, red_score", oss.str()); } int DataAccess::insert(string table, string columns, string values) { int query_state; ostringstream oss; if (connection == NULL) { cout << "Error: non database connection exists" << endl; return -1; } oss << "INSERT into " << table << " (" << columns << ") VALUES (" << values << ")"; cout << "query: " << oss.str() << endl; query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str()); if (query_state != 0) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return -1; } return 0; } int DataAccess::update(string table, string values, string where) { int query_state; ostringstream oss; if (connection == NULL) { cout << "Error: no database connection exists" << endl; return -1; } oss << "UPDATE " << table << " SET " << values << " WHERE " << where; cout << "query: " << oss.str() << endl; query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str()); if (query_state != 0) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return -1; } return 0; } MYSQL_RES *DataAccess::select(string table, string filter) { int query_state; ostringstream oss; if (connection == NULL) { cout << "Error: non database connection exists" << endl; return NULL; } oss << "SELECT * FROM " << table; if (!filter.empty()) oss << " WHERE " << filter; cout << "executing select query: " << oss.str() << endl; query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str()); if (query_state != 0) { cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl; return NULL; } return mysql_store_result(connection); }