#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #include #include #include */ #include "../common/Compiler.h" #include "../common/Common.h" #include "../common/Message.h" #include "../common/WorldMap.h" #include "../common/Player.h" #include "DataAccess.h" using namespace std; bool processMessage(const NETWORK_MSG &clientMsg, const struct sockaddr_in &from, map& mapPlayers, WorldMap* gameMap, unsigned int& unusedId, NETWORK_MSG &serverMsg); void updateUnusedId(unsigned int& id, map& mapPlayers); // this should probably go somewhere in the common folder void error(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(0); } Player *findPlayerByName(map &m, string name) { map::iterator it; for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { if ( it->second.name.compare(name) == 0 ) return &(it->second); } return NULL; } Player *findPlayerByAddr(map &m, const sockaddr_in &addr) { map::iterator it; for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { if ( it->second.addr.sin_addr.s_addr == addr.sin_addr.s_addr && it->second.addr.sin_port == addr.sin_port ) return &(it->second); } return NULL; } void broadcastPlayerPositions(map &m, int sock) { map::iterator it, it2; NETWORK_MSG serverMsg; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { it->second.serialize(serverMsg.buffer); for (it2 = m.begin(); it2 != m.end(); it2++) { if ( sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second.addr)) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sock, length, n; struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in from; // info of client sending the message NETWORK_MSG clientMsg, serverMsg; map mapPlayers; unsigned int unusedId = 1; //SSL_load_error_strings(); //ERR_load_BIO_strings(); //OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); if (argc < 2) { cerr << "ERROR, no port provided" << endl; exit(1); } WorldMap* gameMap = WorldMap::createDefaultMap(); sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock < 0) error("Opening socket"); length = sizeof(server); bzero(&server,length); server.sin_family=AF_INET; server.sin_port=htons(atoi(argv[1])); server.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; if ( bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, length) < 0 ) error("binding"); set_nonblock(sock); Player testP; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &testP.timeLastUpdated); cout << "Before sleep" << endl; // wait some time sleep(3); cout << "After sleep" << endl; testP.move(); /* bool broadcastResponse; while (true) { usleep(5000); n = receiveMessage(&clientMsg, sock, &from); if (n >= 0) { cout << "Got a message" << endl; broadcastResponse = processMessage(clientMsg, from, mapPlayers, gameMap, unusedId, serverMsg); // probably replace this with a function that prints based on the // message type cout << "msg: " << serverMsg.buffer << endl; cout << "broadcastResponse: " << broadcastResponse << endl; if (broadcastResponse) { cout << "Should be broadcasting the message" << endl; map::iterator it; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { if ( sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second.addr)) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } else { cout << "Should be sending back the message" << endl; if ( sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } broadcastPlayerPositions(mapPlayers, sock); } } */ return 0; } bool processMessage(const NETWORK_MSG& clientMsg, const struct sockaddr_in& from, map& mapPlayers, WorldMap* gameMap, unsigned int& unusedId, NETWORK_MSG& serverMsg) { DataAccess da; cout << "ip address: " << inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr) << endl; cout << "port: " << from.sin_port << endl; cout << "MSG: type: " << clientMsg.type << endl; cout << "MSG contents: " << clientMsg.buffer << endl; // maybe we should make a message class and have this be a member bool broadcastResponse = false; // Check that if an invalid message is sent, the client will correctly // receive and display the response. Maybe make a special error msg type switch(clientMsg.type) { case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER: { string username(clientMsg.buffer); string password(strchr(clientMsg.buffer, '\0')+1); cout << "username: " << username << endl; cout << "password: " << password << endl; int error = da.insertPlayer(username, password); if (!error) strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Registration successful."); else strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Registration failed. Please try again."); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_REGISTER; break; } case MSG_TYPE_LOGIN: { cout << "Got login message" << endl; string username(clientMsg.buffer); string password(strchr(clientMsg.buffer, '\0')+1); Player* p = da.getPlayer(username); if (p == NULL || !da.verifyPassword(password, p->password)) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Incorrect username or password"); } else if(findPlayerByName(mapPlayers, username) != NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Player has already logged in."); } else { p->setAddr(from); updateUnusedId(unusedId, mapPlayers); p->id = unusedId; mapPlayers[unusedId] = *p; // sendd back the new player info to the user p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGIN; delete(p); break; } case MSG_TYPE_LOGOUT: { string name(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "Player logging out: " << name << endl; Player *p = findPlayerByName(mapPlayers, name); if (p == NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "That player is not logged in. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); cout << "Player not logged in" << endl; } else if ( p->addr.sin_addr.s_addr != from.sin_addr.s_addr || p->addr.sin_port != from.sin_port ) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "That player is logged in using a differemt connection. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); cout << "Player logged in using a different connection" << endl; } else { if (p->id < unusedId) unusedId = p->id; mapPlayers.erase(p->id); strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "You have successfully logged out."); cout << "Player logged out successfuly" << endl; } // should really be serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGOUT; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGIN; break; } case MSG_TYPE_CHAT: { cout << "Got a chat message" << endl; Player *p = findPlayerByAddr(mapPlayers, from); if (p == NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "No player is logged in using this connection. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); } else { broadcastResponse = true; ostringstream oss; oss << p->name << ": " << clientMsg.buffer; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, oss.str().c_str()); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_CHAT; break; } case MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_MOVE: { cout << "Got a move message" << endl; istringstream iss; iss.str(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "PLAYER_MOVE" << endl; int id, x, y; memcpy(&id, clientMsg.buffer, 4); memcpy(&x, clientMsg.buffer+4, 4); memcpy(&y, clientMsg.buffer+8, 4); cout << "x: " << x << endl; cout << "y: " << y << endl; cout << "id: " << id << endl; if ( mapPlayers[id].addr.sin_addr.s_addr == from.sin_addr.s_addr && mapPlayers[id].addr.sin_port == from.sin_port ) { // we need to make sure the player can move here if (0 <= x && x < 300 && 0 <= y && y < 300 && gameMap->getElement(x/25, y/25) == WorldMap::TERRAIN_GRASS) { // first we get the correct vector mapPlayers[id].target.x = x; mapPlayers[id].target.y = y; int xDiff = mapPlayers[id].target.x - mapPlayers[id].pos.x; int yDiff = mapPlayers[id].target.y - mapPlayers[id].pos.y; cout << "xDiff: " << xDiff << endl; cout << "yDiff: " << yDiff << endl; // then we get the correct angle double angle = atan2(yDiff, xDiff); cout << "angle: " << angle << endl; // finally we use the angle to determine // how much the player moves // the player will move 50 pixels in the correct direction mapPlayers[id].pos.x += cos(angle)*50; mapPlayers[id].pos.y += sin(angle)*50; cout << "new x: " << mapPlayers[id].pos.x << endl; cout << "new y: " << mapPlayers[id].pos.y << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_MOVE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &id, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &mapPlayers[id].pos.x, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+8, &mapPlayers[id].pos.y, 4); //memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, clientMsg.buffer, 12); broadcastResponse = true; } else cout << "Bad terrain detected" << endl; } else // nned to send back a message indicating failure cout << "Player id (" << id << ") doesn't match sender" << endl; break; } default: { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Server error occured. Report this please."); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_CHAT; break; } } cout << "Got to the end of the switch" << endl; return broadcastResponse; } void updateUnusedId(unsigned int& id, map& mapPlayers) { while (mapPlayers.find(id) != mapPlayers.end()) id++; }