#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* #include #include #include */ #include "../common/Compiler.h" #include "../common/Common.h" #include "../common/MessageProcessor.h" #include "../common/WorldMap.h" #include "../common/Player.h" #include "../common/Projectile.h" #include "../common/Game.h" #include "DataAccess.h" using namespace std; bool done; // from used to be const. Removed that so I could take a reference // and use it to send messages bool processMessage(const NETWORK_MSG &clientMsg, struct sockaddr_in &from, MessageProcessor &msgProcessor, map& mapPlayers, map& mapGames, WorldMap* gameMap, unsigned int& unusedPlayerId, NETWORK_MSG &serverMsg, int sock, int &scoreBlue, int &scoreRed, ofstream& outputLog); void updateUnusedPlayerId(unsigned int& id, map& mapPlayers); Player *findPlayerByName(map &m, string name); Player *findPlayerByAddr(map &m, const sockaddr_in &addr); void damagePlayer(Player *p, int damage); void addObjectToMap(WorldMap::ObjectType objectType, int x, int y, WorldMap* gameMap, map& mapPlayers, MessageProcessor &msgProcessor, int sock, ofstream& outputLog); // this should probably go somewhere in the common folder void error(const char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(0); } void quit(int sig) { done = true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sock, length, n; struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in from; // info of client sending the message NETWORK_MSG clientMsg, serverMsg; MessageProcessor msgProcessor; map mapPlayers; map mapProjectiles; map mapGames; unsigned int unusedPlayerId = 1, unusedProjectileId = 1; int scoreBlue, scoreRed; ofstream outputLog; done = false; scoreBlue = 0; scoreRed = 0; signal(SIGINT, quit); //SSL_load_error_strings(); //ERR_load_BIO_strings(); //OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); if (argc != 2) { cerr << "ERROR, expected server [domain] [port]" << endl; exit(1); } outputLog.open("server.log", ios::app); outputLog << "Started server on " << getCurrentDateTimeString() << endl; WorldMap* gameMap = WorldMap::loadMapFromFile("../data/map.txt"); // add some items to the map. They will be sent out // to players when they login for (int y=0; yheight; y++) { for (int x=0; xwidth; x++) { switch (gameMap->getStructure(x, y)) { case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG: gameMap->addObject(WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG, x*25+12, y*25+12); break; case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG: gameMap->addObject(WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG, x*25+12, y*25+12); break; } } } sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock < 0) error("Opening socket"); length = sizeof(server); bzero(&server,length); server.sin_family=AF_INET; server.sin_port=htons(atoi(argv[1])); server.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; if ( bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, length) < 0 ) error("binding"); set_nonblock(sock); bool broadcastResponse; timespec ts; int timeLastUpdated = 0, curTime = 0, timeLastBroadcast = 0; while (!done) { usleep(5000); clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); // make the number smaller so millis can fit in an int ts.tv_sec -= 1368000000; curTime = ts.tv_sec*1000 + ts.tv_nsec/1000000; if (timeLastUpdated == 0 || (curTime-timeLastUpdated) >= 50) { timeLastUpdated = curTime; msgProcessor.cleanAckedMessages(&outputLog); msgProcessor.resendUnackedMessages(sock, &outputLog); map::iterator it; cout << "Updating player targets and respawning dead players" << endl; // set targets for all chasing players (or make them attack if they're close enough) for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { Player* p = it->second; // check if it's time to revive dead players if (p->isDead) { if (getCurrentMillis() - p->timeDied >= 10000) { p->isDead = false; POSITION spawnPos; switch (p->team) { case 0:// blue team spawnPos = p->currentGame->getMap()->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG); break; case 1:// red team spawnPos = p->currentGame->getMap()->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG); break; default: // should never go here cout << "Error: Invalid team" << endl; break; } // spawn the player to the right of their flag location spawnPos.x = (spawnPos.x+1) * 25 + 12; spawnPos.y = spawnPos.y * 25 + 12; p->pos = spawnPos.toFloat(); p->target = spawnPos; p->health = p->maxHealth; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); map::iterator it2; for (it2 = p->currentGame->getPlayers().begin(); it2 != p->currentGame->getPlayers().end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } continue; } if (p->currentGame != NULL) { map playersInGame = p->currentGame->getPlayers(); if (p->updateTarget(playersInGame)) { serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); map::iterator it2; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } } } cout << "Processing players in a game" << endl; // process players currently in a game FLOAT_POSITION oldPos; map::iterator itGames; Game* game = NULL; WorldMap* gameMap = NULL; for (itGames = mapGames.begin(); itGames != mapGames.end(); itGames++) { game = itGames->second; gameMap = game->getMap(); map& playersInGame = game->getPlayers(); for (it = game->getPlayers().begin(); it != game->getPlayers().end(); it++) { Player* p = it->second; cout << "moving player" << endl; bool broadcastMove = false; // xompute playersInGame here // move player and perform associated tasks oldPos = p->pos; if (p->move(gameMap)) { cout << "player moved" << endl; if (game->processPlayerMovement(p, oldPos)) broadcastMove = true; cout << "player move processed" << endl; WorldMap::ObjectType flagType; POSITION pos; bool flagTurnedIn = false; bool flagReturned = false; bool ownFlagAtBase = false; // need to figure out how to move this to a different file // while still sending back flag type and position switch(gameMap->getStructure(p->pos.x/25, p->pos.y/25)) { case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG: { if (p->team == 0 && p->hasRedFlag) { // check that your flag is at your base pos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG); vector* vctObjects = gameMap->getObjects(); vector::iterator itObjects; for (itObjects = vctObjects->begin(); itObjects != vctObjects->end(); itObjects++) { if (itObjects->type == WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG) { if (itObjects->pos.x == pos.x*25+12 && itObjects->pos.y == pos.y*25+12) { ownFlagAtBase = true; break; } } } if (ownFlagAtBase) { p->hasRedFlag = false; flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG; pos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG); flagTurnedIn = true; scoreBlue++; } } break; } case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG: { if (p->team == 1 && p->hasBlueFlag) { // check that your flag is at your base pos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG); vector* vctObjects = gameMap->getObjects(); vector::iterator itObjects; for (itObjects = vctObjects->begin(); itObjects != vctObjects->end(); itObjects++) { if (itObjects->type == WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG) { if (itObjects->pos.x == pos.x*25+12 && itObjects->pos.y == pos.y*25+12) { ownFlagAtBase = true; break; } } } if (ownFlagAtBase) { p->hasBlueFlag = false; flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG; pos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG); flagTurnedIn = true; scoreRed++; } } break; } } if (flagTurnedIn) { // send an OBJECT message to add the flag back to its spawn point pos.x = pos.x*25+12; pos.y = pos.y*25+12; gameMap->addObject(flagType, pos.x, pos.y); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_OBJECT; gameMap->getObjects()->back().serialize(serverMsg.buffer); map::iterator it2; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_SCORE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &scoreBlue, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &scoreRed, 4); for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } /* if (scoreBlue == 3 || scoreRed == 3) { gameOver = true; unsigned int winningTeam; if (scoreBlue == 3) winningTeam = 0; else if (scoreRed == 3) winningTeam = 1; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_FINISH_GAME; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &winningTeam, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &scoreBlue, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+8, &scoreRed, 4); for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } // send a GAME_INFO message with 0 players to force clients to delete the game int numPlayers = 0; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_GAME_INFO; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &numPlayers, 4); for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } */ // this means a PLAYER message will be sent broadcastMove = true; } // go through all objects and check if the player is close to one and if its their flag vector* vctObjects = gameMap->getObjects(); vector::iterator itObjects; POSITION structPos; for (itObjects = vctObjects->begin(); itObjects != vctObjects->end(); itObjects++) { POSITION pos = itObjects->pos; if (posDistance(p->pos, pos.toFloat()) < 10) { if (p->team == 0 && itObjects->type == WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG) { structPos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG); flagReturned = true; break; } else if (p->team == 1 && itObjects->type == WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG) { structPos = gameMap->getStructureLocation(WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG); flagReturned = true; break; } } } if (flagReturned) { itObjects->pos.x = structPos.x*25+12; itObjects->pos.y = structPos.y*25+12; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_OBJECT; itObjects->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); map::iterator it2; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } if (broadcastMove) { cout << "broadcasting player move" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); // only broadcast message to other players in the same game cout << "about to broadcast move" << endl; map::iterator it2; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } cout << "done broadcasting player move" << endl; } } cout << "processing player attack" << endl; // check if the player's attack animation is complete if (p->isAttacking && p->timeAttackStarted+p->attackCooldown <= getCurrentMillis()) { p->isAttacking = false; cout << "Attack animation is complete" << endl; //send everyone an ATTACK message cout << "about to broadcast attack" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_ATTACK; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &p->id, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &p->targetPlayer, 4); map::iterator it2; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } if (p->attackType == Player::ATTACK_MELEE) { cout << "Melee attack" << endl; Player* target = playersInGame[p->targetPlayer]; damagePlayer(target, p->damage); if (target->isDead) { WorldMap::ObjectType flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE; if (target->hasBlueFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG; else if (target->hasRedFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG; if (flagType != WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE) { addObjectToMap(flagType, target->pos.x, target->pos.y, gameMap, playersInGame, msgProcessor, sock, outputLog); } } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; target->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); } else if (p->attackType == Player::ATTACK_RANGED) { cout << "Ranged attack" << endl; Projectile proj(p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->targetPlayer, p->damage); game->assignProjectileId(&proj); game->addProjectile(proj); int x = p->pos.x; int y = p->pos.y; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PROJECTILE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &proj.id, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &x, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+8, &y, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+12, &p->targetPlayer, 4); } else cout << "Invalid attack type: " << p->attackType << endl; // broadcast either a PLAYER or PROJECTILE message cout << "Broadcasting player or projectile message" << endl; for (it2 = playersInGame.begin(); it2 != playersInGame.end(); it2++) { if (msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } cout << "Done broadcasting" << endl; } } } cout << "Processing projectiles" << endl; // move all projectiles // see if this can be moved inside the game class // this method can be moved when I add a MessageProcessor to the Game class map::iterator itProj; for (itGames = mapGames.begin(); itGames != mapGames.end(); itGames++) { game = itGames->second; for (itProj = game->getProjectiles().begin(); itProj != game->getProjectiles().end(); itProj++) { cout << "About to call projectile move" << endl; if (itProj->second.move(game->getPlayers())) { // send a REMOVE_PROJECTILE message cout << "send a REMOVE_PROJECTILE message" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_REMOVE_PROJECTILE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &itProj->second.id, 4); game->removeProjectile(itProj->second.id); map::iterator it2; cout << "Broadcasting REMOVE_PROJECTILE" << endl; for (it2 = game->getPlayers().begin(); it2 != game->getPlayers().end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } cout << "send a PLAYER message after dealing damage" << endl; // send a PLAYER message after dealing damage Player* target = game->getPlayers()[itProj->second.target]; damagePlayer(target, itProj->second.damage); if (target->isDead) { WorldMap::ObjectType flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE; if (target->hasBlueFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG; else if (target->hasRedFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG; if (flagType != WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE) addObjectToMap(flagType, target->pos.x, target->pos.y, game->getMap(), game->getPlayers(), msgProcessor, sock, outputLog); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; target->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "Sending a PLAYER message" << endl; for (it2 = game->getPlayers().begin(); it2 != game->getPlayers().end(); it2++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it2->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } cout << "Projectile was not moved" << endl; } } } n = msgProcessor.receiveMessage(&clientMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog); if (n >= 0) { broadcastResponse = processMessage(clientMsg, from, msgProcessor, mapPlayers, mapGames, gameMap, unusedPlayerId, serverMsg, sock, scoreBlue, scoreRed, outputLog); if (broadcastResponse) { cout << "Should be broadcasting the message" << endl; // needs to be updated to use the players from the game map::iterator it; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { cout << "Sent message back to " << it->second->name << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } else { cout << "Should be sending back the message" << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } cout << "Finished processing the message" << endl; } } outputLog << "Stopped server on " << getCurrentDateTimeString() << endl; outputLog.close(); // delete all games map::iterator itGames; for (itGames = mapGames.begin(); itGames != mapGames.end(); itGames++) { delete itGames->second; } map::iterator itPlayers; for (itPlayers = mapPlayers.begin(); itPlayers != mapPlayers.end(); itPlayers++) { delete itPlayers->second; } return 0; } bool processMessage(const NETWORK_MSG &clientMsg, struct sockaddr_in &from, MessageProcessor &msgProcessor, map& mapPlayers, map& mapGames, WorldMap* gameMap, unsigned int& unusedPlayerId, NETWORK_MSG &serverMsg, int sock, int &scoreBlue, int &scoreRed, ofstream& outputLog) { DataAccess da; cout << "Inside processMessage" << endl; cout << "Received message" << endl; cout << "MSG: type: " << clientMsg.type << endl; cout << "MSG contents: " << clientMsg.buffer << endl; // maybe we should make a message class and have this be a member bool broadcastResponse = false; // Check that if an invalid message is sent, the client will correctly // receive and display the response. Maybe make a special error msg type switch(clientMsg.type) { case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER: { string username(clientMsg.buffer); string password(strchr(clientMsg.buffer, '\0')+1); Player::PlayerClass playerClass; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_REGISTER; memcpy(&playerClass, clientMsg.buffer+username.length()+password.length()+2, 4); cout << "username: " << username << endl; cout << "password: " << password << endl; if (playerClass == Player::CLASS_WARRIOR) cout << "class: WARRIOR" << endl; else if (playerClass == Player::CLASS_RANGER) cout << "class: RANGER" << endl; else { cout << "Unknown player class detected" << endl; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "You didn't select a class"); break; } int error = da.insertPlayer(username, password, playerClass); if (error) strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Registration failed. Please try again."); else strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Registration successful."); break; } case MSG_TYPE_LOGIN: { cout << "Got login message" << endl; string username(clientMsg.buffer); string password(strchr(clientMsg.buffer, '\0')+1); Player* p = da.getPlayer(username); if (p == NULL || !da.verifyPassword(password, p->password)) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Incorrect username or password"); if (p != NULL) delete(p); } else if(findPlayerByName(mapPlayers, username) != NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Player has already logged in."); delete(p); } else { updateUnusedPlayerId(unusedPlayerId, mapPlayers); p->id = unusedPlayerId; cout << "new player id: " << p->id << endl; p->setAddr(from); p->currentGame = NULL; // choose a random team (either 0 or 1) p->team = rand() % 2; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; // tell the new player about all the existing players cout << "Sending other players to new player" << endl; map::iterator it; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { it->second->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "sending info about " << it->second->name << endl; cout << "sending id " << it->second->id << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } // tell the new player about all map objects // (currently just the flags) serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_OBJECT; vector* vctObjects = gameMap->getObjects(); vector::iterator itObjects; cout << "sending items" << endl; for (itObjects = vctObjects->begin(); itObjects != vctObjects->end(); itObjects++) { itObjects->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "sending item id " << itObjects->id << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } // send info about existing games to new player map::iterator itGames; Game* g; int numPlayers; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_GAME_INFO; for (itGames = mapGames.begin(); itGames != mapGames.end(); itGames++) { g = itGames->second; numPlayers = g->getNumPlayers(); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &numPlayers, 4); strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, g->getName().c_str()); if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } // send the current score serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_SCORE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &scoreBlue, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &scoreRed, 4); if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "Should be broadcasting the message" << endl; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { cout << "Sent message back to " << it->second->name << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } mapPlayers[unusedPlayerId] = p; } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGIN; break; } case MSG_TYPE_LOGOUT: { string name(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "Player logging out: " << name << endl; Player *p = findPlayerByName(mapPlayers, name); if (p == NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, "That player is not logged in. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); cout << "Player not logged in" << endl; } else if ( p->addr.sin_addr.s_addr != from.sin_addr.s_addr || p->addr.sin_port != from.sin_port ) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, "That player is logged in using a differemt connection. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); cout << "Player logged in using a different connection" << endl; } else { if (!p->isDead) { WorldMap::ObjectType flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE; if (p->hasBlueFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG; else if (p->hasRedFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG; if (flagType != WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE) { addObjectToMap(flagType, p->pos.x, p->pos.y, gameMap, mapPlayers, msgProcessor, sock, outputLog); } } // broadcast to all players before deleting p from the map serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGOUT; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &p->id, 4); map::iterator it; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { cout << "Sent message back to " << it->second->name << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } if (p->id < unusedPlayerId) unusedPlayerId = p->id; mapPlayers.erase(p->id); delete p; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, "You have successfully logged out."); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LOGOUT; break; } case MSG_TYPE_CHAT: { cout << "Got a chat message" << endl; Player *p = findPlayerByAddr(mapPlayers, from); if (p == NULL) { strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "No player is logged in using this connection. This is either a bug, or you're trying to hack the server."); } else { broadcastResponse = true; ostringstream oss; oss << p->name << ": " << clientMsg.buffer; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, oss.str().c_str()); } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_CHAT; break; } case MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_MOVE: { cout << "PLAYER_MOVE" << endl; int id, x, y; memcpy(&id, clientMsg.buffer, 4); memcpy(&x, clientMsg.buffer+4, 4); memcpy(&y, clientMsg.buffer+8, 4); cout << "x: " << x << endl; cout << "y: " << y << endl; cout << "id: " << id << endl; Player* p = mapPlayers[id]; if ( p->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == from.sin_addr.s_addr && p->addr.sin_port == from.sin_port ) { if (p->currentGame->startPlayerMovement(id, x, y)) { serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_MOVE; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &id, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &p->target.x, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+8, &p->target.y, 4); broadcastResponse = true; } else cout << "Bad terrain detected" << endl; } else // nned to send back a message indicating failure cout << "Player id (" << id << ") doesn't match sender" << endl; break; } case MSG_TYPE_PICKUP_FLAG: { // may want to check the id matches the sender, just like for PLAYER_NOVE cout << "PICKUP_FLAG" << endl; int id; memcpy(&id, clientMsg.buffer, 4); cout << "id: " << id << endl; Player* p = mapPlayers[id]; int objectId = p->currentGame->processFlagPickupRequest(p); if (objectId >= 0) { serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_REMOVE_OBJECT; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &objectId, 4); map players = p->currentGame->getPlayers(); map::iterator it; for (it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } } // if there was no flag to pickup, we really don't need to send a message serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); break; } case MSG_TYPE_DROP_FLAG: { // may want to check the id matches the sender, just like for PLAYER_NOVE cout << "DROP_FLAG" << endl; int id; memcpy(&id, clientMsg.buffer, 4); cout << "id: " << id << endl; Player* p = mapPlayers[id]; WorldMap::ObjectType flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_NONE; if (p->hasBlueFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG; else if (p->hasRedFlag) flagType = WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG; addObjectToMap(flagType, p->pos.x, p->pos.y, p->currentGame->getMap(), p->currentGame->getPlayers(), msgProcessor, sock, outputLog); p->hasBlueFlag = false; p->hasRedFlag = false; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); broadcastResponse = true; break; } case MSG_TYPE_START_ATTACK: { cout << "Received a START_ATTACK message" << endl; int id, targetId; memcpy(&id, clientMsg.buffer, 4); memcpy(&targetId, clientMsg.buffer+4, 4); // need to make sure the target is in the sender's game Player* source = mapPlayers[id]; source->targetPlayer = targetId; source->isChasing = true; // this is irrelevant since the client doesn't even listen for START_ATTACK messages // actually, the client should not ignore this and should instead perform the same movement // algorithm on its end (following the target player until in range) that the server does. // Once the attacker is in range, the client should stop movement and wait for messages // from the server serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_START_ATTACK; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &id, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &targetId, 4); broadcastResponse = true; break; } case MSG_TYPE_ATTACK: { cout << "Received am ATTACK message" << endl; cout << "ERROR: Clients should not send ATTACK messages" << endl; break; } case MSG_TYPE_CREATE_GAME: { cout << "Received a CREATE_GAME message" << endl; string gameName(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "Game name: " << gameName << endl; // check if this game already exists if (mapGames.find(gameName) != mapGames.end()) { cout << "Error: Game already exists" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_FAILURE; broadcastResponse = false; return broadcastResponse; } Game* g = new Game(gameName, "../data/map.txt"); mapGames[gameName] = g; // add flag objects to the map WorldMap* m = g->getMap(); for (int y=0; yheight; y++) { for (int x=0; xwidth; x++) { switch (m->getStructure(x, y)) { case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_BLUE_FLAG: m->addObject(WorldMap::OBJECT_BLUE_FLAG, x*25+12, y*25+12); break; case WorldMap::STRUCTURE_RED_FLAG: m->addObject(WorldMap::OBJECT_RED_FLAG, x*25+12, y*25+12); break; } } } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_SUCCESS; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, gameName.c_str()); broadcastResponse = false; break; } case MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME: { cout << "Received a JOIN_GAME message" << endl; string gameName(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "Game name: " << gameName << endl; // check if this game already exists if (mapGames.find(gameName) == mapGames.end()) { cout << "Error: Game does not exist" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_FAILURE; broadcastResponse = false; return broadcastResponse; } Game* g = mapGames[gameName]; map& players = g->getPlayers(); Player* p = findPlayerByAddr(mapPlayers, from); if (players.find(p->id) != players.end()) { cout << "Player " << p->name << " trying to join a game he's already in" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_FAILURE; broadcastResponse = false; return broadcastResponse; } serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_SUCCESS; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, gameName.c_str()); broadcastResponse = false; break; } case MSG_TYPE_LEAVE_GAME: { cout << "Received a LEAVE_GAME message" << endl; Player* p = findPlayerByAddr(mapPlayers, from); Game* g = p->currentGame; if (g == NULL) { cout << "Player " << p->name << " is trying to leave a game, but is not currently in a game." << endl; /// should send a response back, maybe a new message type is needed break; } cout << "Game name: " << g->getName() << endl; p->currentGame = NULL; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_LEAVE_GAME; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &p->id, 4); strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, g->getName().c_str()); map& players = g->getPlayers(); map::iterator it; for (it = players.begin(); it != players.end(); it++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } g->removePlayer(p->id); int numPlayers = g->getNumPlayers(); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_GAME_INFO; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &numPlayers, 4); strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, g->getName().c_str()); broadcastResponse = true; // if there are no more players in the game, remove it if (numPlayers == 0) { mapGames.erase(g->getName()); delete g; } break; } case MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_ACK: { cout << "Received a JOIN_GAME_ACK message" << endl; string gameName(clientMsg.buffer); cout << "Game name: " << gameName << endl; // check if this game already exists if (mapGames.find(gameName) == mapGames.end()) { serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_JOIN_GAME_FAILURE; broadcastResponse = false; return broadcastResponse; } Game* g = mapGames[gameName]; Player* p = findPlayerByAddr(mapPlayers, from); p->team = rand() % 2; // choose a random team (either 0 or 1) p->currentGame = g; // tell the new player about all map objects // (currently just the flags) serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_OBJECT; vector* vctObjects = g->getMap()->getObjects(); vector::iterator itObjects; cout << "sending items" << endl; for (itObjects = vctObjects->begin(); itObjects != vctObjects->end(); itObjects++) { itObjects->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "sending item id " << itObjects->id << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } // send the current score serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_SCORE; int game_blueScore = g->getBlueScore(); int game_redScore = g->getRedScore(); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &game_blueScore, 4); memcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, &game_redScore, 4); if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_JOIN_GAME; p->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "Should be broadcasting the message" << endl; map& otherPlayers = g->getPlayers(); map::iterator it; for (it = otherPlayers.begin(); it != otherPlayers.end(); it++) { cout << "Sent message back to " << it->second->name << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } g->addPlayer(p); map& allPlayers = g->getPlayers(); // tell the new player about all the players in the game (including himself) cout << "Sending other players to new player" << endl; serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_PLAYER_JOIN_GAME; for (it = allPlayers.begin(); it != allPlayers.end(); it++) { it->second->serialize(serverMsg.buffer); cout << "sending info about " << it->second->name << endl; cout << "sending id " << it->second->id << endl; if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &from, &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } int numPlayers = g->getNumPlayers(); serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_GAME_INFO; memcpy(serverMsg.buffer, &numPlayers, 4); strcpy(serverMsg.buffer+4, gameName.c_str()); broadcastResponse = true; break; } default: { serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_CHAT; strcpy(serverMsg.buffer, "Server error occured. Report this please."); break; } } return broadcastResponse; } void updateUnusedPlayerId(unsigned int& id, map& mapPlayers) { while (mapPlayers.find(id) != mapPlayers.end()) id++; } Player *findPlayerByName(map &m, string name) { map::iterator it; for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { if ( it->second->name.compare(name) == 0 ) return it->second; } return NULL; } Player *findPlayerByAddr(map &m, const sockaddr_in &addr) { map::iterator it; for (it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) { if ( it->second->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == addr.sin_addr.s_addr && it->second->addr.sin_port == addr.sin_port ) return it->second; } return NULL; } void damagePlayer(Player *p, int damage) { p->health -= damage; if (p->health < 0) p->health = 0; if (p->health == 0) { cout << "Player died" << endl; p->isDead = true; p->timeDied = getCurrentMillis(); } } void addObjectToMap(WorldMap::ObjectType objectType, int x, int y, WorldMap* gameMap, map& mapPlayers, MessageProcessor &msgProcessor, int sock, ofstream& outputLog) { NETWORK_MSG serverMsg; gameMap->addObject(objectType, x, y); // need to send the OBJECT message too serverMsg.type = MSG_TYPE_OBJECT; gameMap->getObjects()->back().serialize(serverMsg.buffer); map::iterator it; for (it = mapPlayers.begin(); it != mapPlayers.end(); it++) { if ( msgProcessor.sendMessage(&serverMsg, sock, &(it->second->addr), &outputLog) < 0 ) error("sendMessage"); } }