Installation Instructions for Linux --------------------------------------- sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libglew-dev libglm-dev make newgame && ./newgame (Old Linux instructions for compiling game.cpp) -sudo apt-get install cmake xorg-dev libglew-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev -Compile GLFW3 from source (cmake . && make && sudo make install) Installation Instructions for OSX --------------------------------------- brew install glew brew install glfw --without-shared-library brew install glm This should place all necessary files (or possibly symlinks to them) in /usr/loca/include and /usr/local/lib. Run 'xcode-select --install' This should make g++ check for libraries in /usr/local/ If the above command gives you the following error, you should be able to move on and compile the game. "xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates" make newgame && ./newgame Installation Instructions for Windows --------------------------------------- Download the precompiled 32bit binaries of GLFW and GLEW. Create lib/ and include/ folders in the root opengl-game directory you cloned. Copy the include/GL/ and include/GLFW/ folders into your include/ folder. For GLEW, copy lib/RELEASE/Win32/glew32s.lib into your lib folder. For GLFW, copy lib-vc2015/glfw3.lib into your lib folder. Download GLM and copy the glm folder (the one with all the .hpp files) into the include/ folder you made above. GLM is a header-only library, so there is nothing to copy into the lib/ folder. Open and run NewOpenGLGame.sln in Visual Studio 2017 and run it. -------------------- VULKAN INSTRUCTIOS -------------------- Windows -------- Create an include directory inside the opengl-game folder Download GLM and copy the glm folder into /include Download the SDL2 pre-built Windows binaries - Copy the SDL2 include folder into /include and rename it SDL2 - Add the location of the lib/x64 folder to the VS2019 project properties under Linker/General/Addition Library DIrectories - You can also just copy the contents of that folder to lib - TODO: Figure out how to do static compilation with SDL2 Download the vulkan sdk - Add the location of the Include folder to the VS2019 project properties under C/C++ -> General -> Addition Include DIrectories - Add the location of the Lib folder to the VS2019 project properties under Linker -> General -> Addition Library DIrectories Linux: -------- Download the vulkan sdk (make sure VULKAN_SDK_PATH in the makefile points to it) sudo apt-get install libxcb1-dev xorg-dev libsdl2-dev libglm-dev source into your current shell make vulkangame && ./vulkangame OSX -------- Download the vulkan sdk (make sure VULKAN_SDK_PATH in the makefile points to it) brew install sdl2 (might need 'brew install sdl2 --HEAD') make vulkangame && ./vulkangame REFERENCE ---------- UV coords 0 u 1 x, y, z -1 (untransformed z ranges from 0 to 1, glm::perspective seems to make the z range negative) 0 -------> ^ | | v | -1 | 0 1 | <-----|-----> 1 V /| / | 1 v 1