1 | #ifndef _OPENGL_GAME_H
2 | #define _OPENGL_GAME_H
3 |
4 | #include <glm/glm.hpp>
5 |
6 | // TODO: Rewrite this to work with the new version of IMGUI
7 | #include "IMGUI/imgui.h"
8 | #include "imgui_impl_glfw_gl3.h"
9 |
10 | #include "game-gui-glfw.hpp"
11 | #include "graphics-pipeline_opengl.hpp"
12 |
13 | // TODO: Figure out if these structs should be defined in the OpenGLGame class
14 |
15 | enum ObjectType {
20 | };
21 |
22 | struct SceneObject {
23 | unsigned int id;
24 | ObjectType type;
25 | bool deleted;
26 |
27 | // Currently, model_transform should only have translate, and rotation and scale need to be done in model_base since
28 | // they need to be done when the object is at the origin. I should change this to have separate scale, rotate, and translate
29 | // matrices for each object that can be updated independently and then applied to the object in that order.
30 | // TODO: Actually, to make this as generic as possible, each object should have a matrix stack to support,
31 | // for instance, applying a rotate, then a translate, then another rotate. Think about and implement the best approach.
32 | glm::mat4 model_mat, model_base, model_transform;
33 | glm::mat4 translate_mat; // beginning of doing what's mentioned above
34 | unsigned int num_points;
35 | GLuint vertex_vbo_offset;
36 | GLuint ubo_offset;
37 | vector<GLfloat> points;
38 | vector<GLfloat> colors;
39 | vector<GLfloat> texcoords;
40 | vector<GLfloat> normals;
41 | glm::vec3 bounding_center;
42 | GLfloat bounding_radius;
43 | };
44 |
45 | struct ParticleEffect : SceneObject {
46 | vector<GLfloat> particleVelocities;
47 | vector<GLfloat> particleTimes;
48 | GLfloat startTime;
49 | GLfloat duration;
50 | };
51 |
52 | class OpenGLGame {
53 | public:
54 | OpenGLGame();
55 | ~OpenGLGame();
56 |
57 | void run(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags);
58 |
59 | private:
60 | GameGui* gui;
61 | Viewport viewport;
62 |
63 | vector<GraphicsPipeline_OpenGL> graphicsPipelines;
64 |
65 | GLFWwindow* window;
66 |
67 | bool initWindow(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags);
68 | void initOpenGL();
69 | void mainLoop();
70 | void renderScene();
71 | void renderUI();
72 | void cleanup();
73 | };
74 |
75 | void APIENTRY opengl_debug_callback(
76 | GLenum source,
77 | GLenum type,
78 | GLuint id,
79 | GLenum severity,
80 | GLsizei length,
81 | const GLchar* message,
82 | const void* userParam
83 | );
84 |
85 | #endif // _OPENGL_GAME_H |