1 | Default bounds
2 |
3 | 1 -1
4 | | /
5 | | /
6 | | /
7 | |/
8 | -1 --------------- 1
9 | /|
10 | / |
11 | / |
12 | / |
13 | 1 -1
14 |
15 | Matrices
16 |
17 | model: transforms each object separately
18 | view: transforms the whole world
19 |
20 | for instance, a positive x translation moves either one object or all objects on the screen to the right a certain distance.
21 |
22 | If you want to transform the camera position or rotation, it should be the inverse of the transformations the view matrix is applying.
23 |
24 | projection: Here's where the fun stuff begins
25 | Viewing Frustum diagram is on page 99
26 |
27 | I need to first implement the click detection function without applying the projection matrix
28 |
29 | The click detection function uses ray tracing to figure out which object we hit
30 |
31 | First, we need to generate the equation for the ray that starts at the camera position and through the point the user clicked. To do that, we need to turn the 2d point of the click into a 3d point on the near clipping plane.
32 |
33 | Ray Equation:
34 | R(t) = O+Dt
35 |
36 | where R(t) defines all the points on the ray, O is the camera origin,
37 | and D is the direction of the ray.
38 |
39 | In this case, D = P-O, where P is the point the user clicked on in 3D space
40 |
41 | Camera position = (0, 0, 0)
42 |
43 |
45 | -----------------
46 |
47 | glGenBuffers creates a buffer
48 | glBindBuffer sets the currently active buffer
49 | glBufferData populates the buffer with data
50 |
51 | glGenVertexArrays creates a vao
52 | glBindVertexArray sets the currently active vao
53 | glEnableVertexAttribArray sets the active index in the vao
54 | glVertexAttribPointer determines the layout of a buffer in a VAO
55 | -The last params (often NULL), specifies the offset in the buffer